CVMSPro - Team Collaboration

All Recruiters working together for better productivity!

Collaboration & Team Work

is the core for best results if done correctly

Discover the new way of recruiting across recruiters. Work smarter together and efficiently to create more value, more nos., more result and happy customers everytime. Why to run after people for update when the system can keep them together.

Team Collaboration

We understand that Recruiting is not one-man's job. For better results in recruitment industry, as a company, you have various team members taking different roles. Recruitment is a team-work exercise to make a perfect match between a candidate and an open vacancy and at a lowest turn-around-time interval.

*Sample data with wrong / random mobile nos.
*Please don't make phone calls on these sample mobile nos.

Access to all candidate profiles

Access to assigned vacancies between multiple recruiters

Each vacancy to have Shortlisted candidates

Each vacancy to have Under-Interview candidates

Each vacancy to have Rejected candidates

Each candidate's log & interaction

Importantly: All this is in a centralized place that any authorized user / recruiter can navigate.

Just focus on recruitment!

We can't wait to partner with you to solve your most critical problems.